1. Eko Languages

On YouTube offers 8-hour sleep courses for a number of languages, including Spanish, French, Russian, Hebrew, Chinese, Arabic and a host of others. Phrases and translations are repeated amidst a background of soothing sleep-inducing music.

2. Sleep Learning

Another YouTube channel, places a strong emphasis on sleep-learning English phrases and idioms for foreign students and English speakers whoā€™d like to improve vocabulary. However, in addition to lessons in French, Spanish, Italian, Portugese, Japanese and Korean, it also features programs for learning multiplication tables, the periodic table and world capitals.

3. Spanish Head Start

This free Android app offers a combination of studies for waking hours and a repetition of key phrases to be played during the night.Ā 


Ouino offers extensive 400-lesson sleep programs in Spanish, French, German and Italian. Courses run about $100 (a free trial is available), but include personal language mentoring.
